Litter Pick-up
Keep Mount Cook Clean was inspired by the Keep Newtown Clean group in the neighbouring suburb of Newtown. In Mount Cook the majority of our Keep Clean activities have concentrated on removing litter from the streets and parks. We have also organised several successful graffiti removal days, and we support residents who keep an eye on their ‘patch’ and remove tags as quickly as they occur.
Graffiti Removal
The number one thing to know about ‘tagging’ (the graffiti ‘signatures’ that appear everywhere) is that the taggers seek notoriety from their peer group. Once a tag goes up, other taggers will add their tag to also lay claim to the spot. Much like an ant colony, if the trail, or in this case the tag, is wiped out, the ants (taggers) are more likely to stay away.
Wellington City Council has established a Graffiti Management Plan, and provides these guidelines for people reporting graffiti.
Upper Hutt City Council has some good guidelines on its website for reducing graffiti. And here are some graffiti removal tips that were formerly found on WCC's website.
The paint company Resene has played a substantial role in helping communities to combat graffiti, its website also has tips for removing graffiti.
Resene collects old paint and mixes it up in 10 litre pails which are available to community groups like Keep Mount Clean to paint out graffiti.

Utility boxes are often targets for tagging. Wellington City Council has contracts in place with utility companies (electricity, phone, etc.) to have tags removed. Report tags on utility boxes by phoning Wellington City Council (phone 499 4444), or use the “Fixit” smartphone app to report them in 4 easy steps using your smartphone's camera and GPS!
The City Council has a database of tags. If you photograph a tag before you remove it, the photo and some basic information can be emailed to for inclusion in the database. Please include (1) size of the tag, (2) what medium has been used (e.g. crayon, paint etc.), (3) interpretation, e.g. the tag looks like it says 'SATG', (4) location of the tag, and the date and time, if known. (Don't forget to ask permission of the property owner before removing tags on private property.)

Please note - the heritage brick wall on Tasman Street is over one hundred years old. Specialist graffiti removal techniques are required to remove graffiti from this brick wall, do not attempt this yourself. Phone Wellington City Council on 499 4444 or report graffiti using the "Fixit" app.
Keep Mount Cook Clean meets every second month on the first Saturday of the month. The group meets at 10:30am outside the Mt Cook Kitchen and Takeaway, 75 Wallace Street.
The litter pickup is for one hour only. It is surprising how much can be collected in just one hour! Gloves and bags are provided.
Contact Peter, our Coordinator, at or signup to the Mt Cook Mobilised e-bulletin for reminders.
Recent Litter Pick-up days:
Saturday 1 February - 6 people collected 6 large bags of litter
Saturday 3 February 2024 - 5 people collected 5 large bags of litter.
Saturday 6 April 2024 - no record available.
Saturday 1 June 2024 - 7 people collected 9 very large bags of litter.
Saturday 3 August 2024 - 5 people collected 5 very large bags of litter.
Saturday 5 October 2024 - 3 people collected 3 bags of littler.
Saturday 7 December 2024 - 7 people collected 5 bags of litter.
Saturday 4 February 2023 - 6 people collected 7 bags of litter.
Saturday 1 April 2023 - 1 person collected 1 bag of litter. The weather was horrible, but not raining, and the litter pickup went ahead.
Saturday 3 June 2023 - 10 people collected 7 bags of litter.
Saturday 5 August 2023 - 6 people collected 6 bags of litter.
October 2023 - Litter Pickup was rained off.
February 2022 - Litter Pickup was rained off.
Saturday 2 April 2022 - 6 people collected 9 bags of litter.
Saturday 4 June 2022 - 6 people collected 6 large bags of litter
Saturday 6 February 2021 - 6 people collected 10 large bags of litter.
Saturday 3 April 2021 - 9 people collected 7 large bags of litter.
Saturday 7 August 2021 - 9 people collected 13 bags of litter.
Saturday 2 October 2021- 5 people collected 7 large bags of litter.
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