
Feedback on Draft Adelaide Road Framework - for 10 October 2008

Page history last edited by Geoff Stone 16 years, 3 months ago

Feedback from Mt Cook Mobilised - Draft Adelaide Road Framework


Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC

Our final submission on the Draft Adelaide Road Framework went to Council on 10 October 2008.  It was compiled by Dave Smyth and Geoff Stone with some further input from Ross Tanner

Submission-Adelaide Rd v8.1.doc


The following documents indicate how the Wellington City Council have made sense of submissions and what the Council officers are recommending to Councillors (1 November 08)


Final draft of Adelaide Framework 

Framework Appendix 1.

Framework Appendix 2.


Presentation to WCC

Here are some presentation points that were put to WCC on 6 November 08 by Peter Cook, Ross Tanner and Geoff Stone


Embed slide


The presentation is downloadable here, as are the updated speaking notes


About the rest of this page

This is an index page and provides links to a series of pages, one for each questions/comments section in the Wellington City Council's feedback form on the Draft Adelaide Rd Framework.  Mt Cook people have contributed to a joint submission compiled here.  People can still add comments and questions at the bottom of the pages.  Mt Cook residents were also urged to make their own individual submissions.


Most of the comments and questions compiled here were gathered  from people at a Mt Cook Mobilised meeting on 21 September.  The meeting was attended by a Council representative for the project, Sherilyn Gray, who took residents through the 'Draft Framework'. 



Mt Cook Mobilised feedback pages - for residents comments


Click on the linked headings to go to the pages described.


Question 1. The vision

Do you support the overall vision outlined in the Draft Adelaide Road Framework?

Are there any changes you think should be made?


Question 2. The key outcomes and inititiatives

Do you support the key outcomes and initiatives identified in the Draft Adelaide Road Framework?


(a) Outcome 1. Open Space Networks

Providing for greening of the area, quality public spaces, and strengthening connections between open spaces.


(b) Outcome 2. Social and Community Networks

Strengthening the local community.


(c) Outcome 3. Movement Networks

Improving the Adelaide Road transport corridor for multiple forms of transport.


(d) Outcome 4. Heritage and character networks

Further recognising, and providing appropriate protection for valued heritage and character areas and buildings.


(e) Outcome 5. Employment and economic activity

Recognising and protecting employment opportunities while enabling a transition to suitable ‘new economy’ activities.


(f) Outcome 6. Intensive residential growth

Providing for more intensive, high-quality residential growth along the northern part of Adelaide Road.


Question 3. The Council's role

Do you support the Council’s role outlined in the draft framework?

Are there any other key roles?


Question 4. Draft action plan

Do you support the actions outlined in the draft action plan (sections 6.4 and 6.5)?

Are there any other key actions?


Question 5. Other comments or suggestions

Do you have any other comments or suggestions to make on the draft framework?


If you are having trouble accessing pages or leaving comments, please email mtcookmobilised@gmail.com for help.  You can also provide your comments and suggestions by email if need be.  Finally, you have the option of downloading a Microsoft Word document version of our draft submission here.



Councils links for the Adelaide Road project


WCC public input - Draft Adelaide Road Framework



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