

Page history last edited by ccomber@paradise.net.nz 2 weeks, 5 days ago



Welcome to Mt Cook Mobilised ... 


Mount Cook Mobilised (MCM) is a thriving community organisation that

advocates for residents in the Wellington suburb of Mount Cook, monitors

local developments, maintains Papawai Reserve, and provides information

to locals through regular meetings, newsletters and emails.


We are affiliated to the Newtown Residents' Association.




Our latest e-news:


Summer in Pukeahu/Mt Cook  - sent 26 January 2025



To Register with the Wellington City Council Planning Team if you have concerns about a neighbouring development, 

use this link:









MCM began in 2007 with a large public meeting at the now demolished YMCA in Tasman St. We were concerned about the building of a supermarket at the site (and the loss of the TSW swimming pool), Memorial Park and its impact on Mt Cook School, and the loss of local heritage buildings.


Issues and developments we are currently monitoring or providing feedback on include:

  • Supermarkets planned for Tasman St (and John St - the Countdown, now completed)
  • Memorial Park plans (trenching for Memorial Park is underway)
  • Bidwill St traffic calming
  • Adelaide Rd and Drummond St development plans
  • Basin Reserve traffic management
  • Housing development in the Production Village site (townhouses under construction)
  • Massey University building plans.


We are also actively involved in:

  • Clearing and planting in Papawai Reserve and Bell Rd Reserve, in monthly working bees 


If you are interested in finding out more about MCM, or you want to help or make suggestions, please email mtcookmobilised@gmail.com or come to one of our events.


Thanks for your interest.

Mt Cook Expo 2012

Saturday 5 May 10am-3pm, Mt Cook School hall, Tory St


Visit the expo, listen to speakers and check out our displays to find out more about:

  • preparing for natural hazards and civil defence emergencies
  • Mt Cook sports and recreation clubs
  • local education and childcare resources
  • activities for preschoolers
  • Mt Cook history.



10:15  How to prepare for an emergency, at home and in the community - Wellington Emergency Management Office

11:15  Arlington Resilience Group -  Discussion with several group members

11:30  Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research - Duncan Henry, Massey University

12:00  Sustainable roof water harvesting for earthquake affected communities - Stan Abbott, Roof Water Research Centre, Massey University

1:00    How to build a solar oven - Clyde Lambourn

1:45   Community patrol - Peter Cooke, Wellington South Community Patrol 


Coffee and cake will be available (fundraising for Mt Cook School) - thanks to Caffe L'affare for their sponsorship.


Can't make it? We'll be updating this website with relevant information and links after the expo.


Many thanks to Wellington City Council for their community preparedness grant, which has made this expo possible.




Mt Cook Community Picnic 2024



Mt Cook Spring Fling 2014


Some of these photos will make you smile.  They belie the windiness of the day, but not its cheerful warmth. Thank you to Yvonne, a  visiting WOOFER from Germany, for taking these photos. 


The Spring Fling 2014 is on 2nd November, from 11am - 2pm at Papawai Reserve (between Papawai Terrace and Salisbury Terrace). Follow the footpath signs to find us. An update will be posted on this website if we are moving to the indoor venue (the rain day site is Mt Cook School Hall, 160 Tory Street).


The format of the day is very informal. Bring your friends and family, a picnic, chairs and rugs and enjoy this special place.  Catch-up with friends and neighbours, and meet new people in the neighbourhood.  There will be old-style activities for the children - face painting, craft activities, seed potting, balloon tennis – plus the ever-popular sack races and egg and spoon races.  Don’t forget the sunscreen and hats.  If it’s not blustery we will have another solar oven cook-off.


Please bring along some baking for our Cakes and Coffee by Koha table. Thanks!  See you on the 2nd.


Thanks to John Morrison for this neat poster design:



Mt Cook Spring Fling 2013


Photos from the Spring Fling. Thanks to our photographer, Anna Harding, for capturing the fun of the day.




Mt Cook Spring Fling 2011


A sunny breezy day encouraged around 150 folk to participate in the Mt Cook community picnic on 30 October. Bales of pea straw gave a city-rural look, provided seating, and support for a slide. Numerous happy little Mt Cookies took part in the kids' races, including sack, three-legged, and egg and spoon races. Face painting and the tempting array of donated food topped off the day. Pleasure in community and getting to know each other was very evident. Councillor Stephanie Cook opened the event, celebrating the renaissance of small community groups like Mt Cook Mobilised. If we though the Spring Fling in 2010 was good, this was even better!





A blast from the past - Spring Fling 2010


Spring Fling 2010 was great fun. Lots of locals turned out to enjoy the conviviality, and the kids had a ball.

Here are the pictures from 2010:


Cook Strait News captured the mood of the day with It's Hip to Hop (17 November 2010). 

See Brent's photos here:  http://picasaweb.google.com/mtcookmobilised/SpringFlingOct2010#

Papawai Reserve


Papawai Reserve and Stream are a special place to Mt Cookies.


Papawai Reserve is the name locals have adopted for the area which we have been planting. It lies on the edge of the town belt between Papawai Terrace and Salisbury Terrace (off Wright Street) - you can't google the name because it is an 'informal name' - officially this area is part of Prince of Wales Park. Along with the fantastic planted area by the stream, there is a big grassy area which is perfect for the Spring Fling.


Read about what we saw on a fish spotting trip


Flooding on Lower Prince of Wales Park


Seasonal flooding at the start of the year has become a problem on lower Prince of Wales Park.  The stream does not cope with the extra water that surges down from Brooklyn. The park becomes awash and cannot be used for sport. The neighbours in Salisbury Terrace are faced with property damage from the deluge.


The first section of this story by two young residents of Salisbury Terrace was reproduced in the Mt Cook newsletter in April 2013. Read the full account of this exhilarating evening of flooding here.


More pictures, video and narrative about the flooding on 4th February 2013 can be seen here.


Mt Cook residents acknowledge that WCC and Capacity are working on these complex problems...




Neighbours Day 2011


We are running a prize draw for Mt Cook residents who organise something with their Neighbours anytime on the weekend of 26-27 March.  The Mt Cook Mobilised Goodie Basket is a fantastic prize with items donated by many local sponsors. 


Enter the draw by noon on Friday 25th March by emailing mtcookmobilised@gmail.com with details of your name, phone number, neighbourhood and what you are doing for Neighbours Day.


Find out more about Neighbours Day in Mt Cook and around the country, including details of our sponsors.


This from Scoop Wellington (14 March 2011)  http://wellington.scoop.co.nz/?p=32859


Happy Neighbours Day!

Regular residents meetings and submissions


A core group of Mt Cook people meets every four to six weeks to discuss issues that affect them and to organise various things to advance the interests of local residents, such as: petitioning and submissions to Council, publishing a newsletter, conducting a cleanup, and events including local candidates meetings, urban planning and design.  To see when our next meeting is, view the sidebar to the right (in the yellow box) or visit our Regular residents' meetings page for more details.


Submissions to Wellington City Council



Mt Cook Mobilised submission on Adelaide Road development 


To find out more about Wellington City Council's Draft Adelaide Road Framework and to view our submission - click here Word file).



Mt Cook Mobilised submission on LTCCP - pre-consultation period February 2009 


To view our submission on the Wellington City Council's Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) click here (pdf file).

And here is Wellington City Council's reply to our submission.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission on District Plan Change 73 - Centres 


DP change 73 will incorporate the feedback from Council's Adelaide Rd Framework into the District Plan. Building heights in Adelaide Rd are proposed to be higher.  Car parking is not required for the new residents in Adelaide Rd. Suburban Centres will be known as 'Centres'.


To read an introduction to how the proposed changes affect Mt Cook, and our submission click here.


Mt Cook Mobilised submission on Bidwill Street Proposed Changes


In early March 2010 a group of residents from Bidwill Street met with WCC Traffic Engineers to start the dialogue about how to reduce the volume of traffic on Bidwill Street. In June a safety audit was begun after a serious pedestrian accident.  At the end June a WCC proposal was posted out to all residents in Bidwill Street and Anderson Terrace, proposing the introduction of a phasing delay to allow pedestrians time to cross ahead of cars, and the removal of six coupon parks to allow two lanes of traffic to exit Bidwill Street.  The latter part of the proposal was not favoured by residents.


Mt Cook Mobilised put in a submission on the proposal, based on feedback gathered from Bidwill Street residents.  You can read it here.




WCC Facilities Review 2010


Mt Cook Mobilised took it on board that not every community needs to have its own Community Centre if there are other facilities in the community that can be used for community activities. However, in our view, it is helpful when the Council is able to fund a part-time community coordinator to help get activities organised. The Mt Cook Mobilised submission can be viewed here.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Town Belt Management Plan and Legislative Review


In December 2012 the Wellington City Council sought views on its 10 year plan for managing the Town Belt.  The Town Belt was divided into management sectors.  Mt Cook and environs fell in sectors 4 - Brooklyn Hills, 5 - Macalister Park and 7 - Newtown / Crawford Road.


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission to Wellington City Council can be read here.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Wellington Urban Growth Plan


In October 2014 Wellington City Council brought several of its planning documents together under the umbrella of the Urban Growth Plan. This document is based on the likelihood of Wellington City's population increasing by 50,000 over the next 30 years. Much of the growth will be centred in Te Aro, the city area, and along the transport spine which includes the Adelaide Road area of Mt Cook.  This area was originally earmarked for growth in WCC's 2009 Adelaide Road Framework.  


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission to Wellington City Council can be read here.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Wellington Reserves Management Plan


In December 2014 Wellington City Council consulted on its Reserves Management Plan, which refers to areas that are not in the Town Belt, and are not classified as 'Open Spaces'. In Mt Cook, this includes three areas:- the park and community garden in Torrens Terrace, the small green space at the entrance to Myrtle Terrace, and the green space on Hospital Road opposite Newtown Kindergarten which borders Government House.


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission to Wellington City Council can be read here.




Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Local Approved Products Policy Plan


In December 2014 Wellington City Council consulted on a new Local Approved Products Policy (more commonly referred to as "Local Highs"). This local policy will inform the way in which the central government bill is implemented in Wellington. 


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission to Wellington City Council can be read here.




Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Draft Open Space Access Plan


In July 2016 Wellington City Council consulted on its Draft Open Space Access Plan, which covers the extensive network of tracks that exist in Wellington's Town Belt, Outer Green Belt and rural environment, tracks that are used for walking, cycling (including mountain biking) and sometimes horse-riding or driving.


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission can be found here.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Draft Wellington Play Spaces Policy - October 2016


In November 2016 Wellington City Council consulted on its Draft Wellington Play Spaces Policy, which included open space as well as playgrounds. WCC also suggest some partnerships with schools. Mt Cook Mobilised suggests the Wellington High School Tennis Courts would be a good candidate for upgrade as a joint project.


Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the 10 Year Plan 2018 - 2028, May 2015


The WCC 10 Year Plan is updated every 3 years. This plan covers 2018 - 2028. Two important topics that concern Mr Cook residents at this time are our preference for social housing land not to be sold off as 'affordable' housing, and the large amount of roading and housing infrastructure work that will affect Mt Cook over the next 4 years. The submission reminds Council of the continued problems with Bidwill Street becoming an arterial route through Mt Cook, and suggests retaining the Great War Exhibition. Read the Mt Cook Mobilised submission here.


In October 2018, WCC sent a detailed reply specific to the Mt Cook Mobilised submission on the 10 Year Plan 2018 - 2028. Read the Wellington City Council reply here.


Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on Planning for Growth  - May 2019


Planning for Growth was a consultative discussion on where and how the city will grow to accommodate the projected 50 - 80.000 new residents who are expected to settle in Wellington over the next 30 years. One of the discussion items on the table is the pre-1930s demolition rules which make it more difficult to demolish older 'character' houses.  Mt Cook Mobilised's submission favours retaining heritage character. Read the Mt Cook Mobilised submission here.



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on Arlington Redevelopment (Sites 1 & 3)  - May 2019


Wellington City Council is unable to redevelop Arlington sites 1 & 3, due to the way its Housing Policy ring-fences funding for City Housing (no ratepayer funding can be spent on housing upgrades). In 2007 WCC received $220m from Central Government for housing upgrades over the next 30 years. Those funds have not stretched far enough. As part of the arrangement (The Deed of Grant), if WCC is not able to upgrade its housing stock, Housing NZ has first option on the upgrade work. Housing NZ is negotiating a 125 year lease of the Arlington 1 & 3 site, with up to 30% of the site to be developed, then on-sold as "affordable" housing. In 125 years' time, 70% of the land would be returned to WCC. Mt Cook Mobilised is in favour of a lease over the 30% "affordable" housing, but not an outright sale. The Mt Cook Mobilised submission is here.




Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on Fairer Rents  - July 2020


This consultation affects WCC City Housing tenants only.


Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Draft Spatial Plan - October 2020


There was a general outcry against the Council's approach to the way it proposed to fit many more people into the city. The principle of intensification was not disputed, but the proposed method was. Read the Mt Cook Mobilised submission here.


Mt Cook Mobilised submission to WCC on the Draft District Plan - December 2021


Following on from the City Council vision outlined in its Spatial Plan, there was a series of meetings to discuss the Draft District Plan. Mt Cook Mobilised prepared this submission. 



WCC Facilities Review 2023 - Te Awe Mapara


Mt Cook Mobilised noted that very little in the consultation document referenced Mt Cook. We reiterated our comments from 2010. 


The Mt Cook Mobilised submission can been viewed here.



Other Submissions


Mt Cook Mobilised submissions to NZTA on Basin Reserve Roading


The Basin Reserve roading project is being run by NZ Transport Agency together with Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and the Minstry of Culture and Heritage.  NZTA is also consulting over 30 groups with an interest in roading decisions around the Basin Reserve. Mt Cook Mobilised is one of the interested groups.


To read the informal submission made by Mt Cook Mobilised in January 2010 view here.


In August 2011 Mt Cook Mobilised attended a workshop on roading changes west of the Mt Victoria Tunnel, hosted by NZTA to answer questions about their two preferred, but rather similar, options A & B.


The Architectural Centre gave a presentation at Mt Cook School on their vision - less road, more urban design, which they called Option X.


To read Mt Cook Mobilised's formal submission to NZTA in August 2011 view here (143kb pdf file).



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to Transport & Industrial Relations Select Committee on Memorial Park


On 7 August 2012, Prime Minister John Key announced the Government's intention to divert Buckle Street between Taranaki Street and Tory Street, via an underpass, with Memorial Park sitting above Buckle Street. Memorial Park is to be finished in time for the centenary celebrations on ANZAC Day 2015, marking 100 years since the Gallipoli campaign of WWI. Because of the short amount of time available to do this work, a Government bill - National War Memorial Park (Pukeahu) Empowering Bill - has been proposed to circumvent some of the normal resource consent processes.


Mt Cook Mobilised's submission on the bill, made on 6 September 2012, can be found here (90Kb PDF).



Mt Cook Mobilised submission to Greater Wellington on the Bus Review 


In March 2012 Greater Wellington Regional Council consulted Wellingtonians about a city-wide review of bus routes, from Grenada North, south, excluding school buses and the privately-run Airport Flyer. Virtually every bus route in the city would change.


The review proposed more frequent buses on busy routes, removing some routes on the extremities of the city and the introduction of some bus interchanges, including one at Wellington Hospital. The route planning was based on the premise that a 5 minute walk to a bus stop  was reasonable.


The changes proposed for Mt Cook included moving the 'zoo' route (#10) off Wallace Streeet onto Adelaide Road (Route A), leaving only one Wallace Street route (Route C), which was proposed to use Ghuznee Street / The Terrace (for Victoria University), not the Golden Mile. This would make access to shops and the library more difficult by bus.  As a result of the route change off the Golden Mile, diesel buses would be necessary, not the electric trolley buses used today.


To read Mt Cook Mobilised's formal submission to Greater Wellington Regional Council in March 2012 view here (65kb pdf file).



Mt Cook Mobilised submission on WCC Long Term Plan 2015 - 2025 (April 2015) 


Every three years Wellington City Council updates its Long Term Plan for the next ten years. Mt Cook Mobilised's submission endorses the proposed new infrastructure monitoring tools, and asks the Council to conclude financial negotiations with Wellington Hospital over the Hospital Prince of Wales Reservoir. We ask the Council to consult and communicate with Adelaide Road businesses over the proposed widening of the western side of Adelaide Road to minimise disruption. We have requested a Community Forum be established for the proposed Basin Reserve Master Plan, and a partnership with Wellington High School to upgrade their tennis courts to make them useable. We have also suggested implementing a programme of 'Adopt a Memorial' where schools or youth groups take ownership for caring for and showcasing the city's memorials, e.g. Mt Cook School establised a close bond with Pukeahu National War Memorial Park which could be extended in this way .These ideas and more are in our 2015 submission.



Foodstuffs Discussions  


Prior to Foodstuffs submitting their Resource Consent application in 2009, Mt Cook Mobilised met with them in July 2009 to discuss concerns. Mt Cook Mobilised followed up with a letter  (pdf 261Kb).


After Foodstuffs submitted their Resource Consent application to Council Mt Cook Mobilised sent a further letter (pdf 182Kb) to Council in August 2009.


In February 2010, after approval of Foodstuffs' Resource Consent, members of Mt Cook Mobilised and representatives from Mt Cook School met with Foodstuffs and Urban Perspectives (Foodstuffs' Urban Planning consultants).  Concerns were re-stated, and a further letter (pdf 236kb) sent to Foodstuffs after the meeting.


Mt Cook Newsletters                                                                                     



** INDEX OF NEWSLETTERS - Updated December 2022 (Newsletter # 32)


The inaugural newsletter (July 2008), compiled by the Mt Cook Mobilised group, can be downloaded by clicking on this link (1.1MB pdf file)

Download the November 2008 newsletter from Mt Cook Mobilised by clicking on this link  (1.1MB pdf file).


Newsletter number 3 - May 2009 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (4.73MB pdf file)

Newsletter number 4 - September 2009 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (5.19MB pdf file).

Newsletter number 5 - February 2010 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (884kb pdf file).

Newsletter number 6 - June 2010 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (700kb pdf file).

Newsletter number 7 - September 2010 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (750kb pdf file).

Newsletter number 8 - February2011 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (4.31MB pdf file).

Newsletter number 9 - August 2011 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (940kb pdf file).

Newsletter number 10 - November 2011 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (806kb pdf file).

Newsletter number 11 - April 2012 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (724kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 12 - August 2012 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (920kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 13 - April 2013 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link  (761Kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 14 - November 2013 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (974Kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 15 - April 2014 - can be downloaded by clicking on this link (752Kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 16 - November 2014 - can be downloaded by clinking on this link (954Kb pdf file)

Newsletter number 17 - May 2015 (966kB) a celebration of Pukeahu National War Memorial Park

Newsletter number 18 - December 2015 features the Spring Fling, Nature Through the Arts and aspects of Pukeahu National War Memorial Park

Newsletter number 19 - June 2016 includes the Arlington renewal, Pukeahu NWM Park, the Basin Reserve and history of Mt Cook street names

Newsletter number 20 - November 2016 covers several ventures that are happening in Mt Cook, or have a Mt Cook connection

Newsletter number 21 - June 2017 covers the proposed Prince of Wales/Omāroro Reservoir, with a list of areas that Mt Cook residents have concerns over.

Newsletter number 22 - December 2017 the launch of Predator Free Mt Cook Newtown Berhampore.

Newsletter number 23 - July 2018 the Housing NZ redevelopment proposal between Rolleston and Hargreaves Streets.

Newsletter number 24 December 2018 Air BnB presence in Mt Cook and the Bus Stop Leaners.

Newsletter number 25 - July 2019 major developments in Mt Cook, reservoir pipes, Housing NZ, Arlington, and Get Prepared

Newsletter number 26 - December 2019 - updates on roadworks and developments in Mt Cook

Newsletter number 27 - June 2020   - this newsletter was an online edition after Covid-19.

Newsletter number 28 - December 2020 - summary of MCM Spatial Plan submission.

Newsletter number 29 - April 2021 - Victory Gardens, some history of Prince of Wales Park area.

Newsletter number 30 - November 2021 - new proposed City planning and Mt Cook developments.

Newsletter number 31 - May 2022 - town planning, murals and support for Ukraine.

Newsletter number 32 - October 2022 - Spring Fling, reservoir roof pour pics & more.

Newsletter number 33 - Autumn 2023 - drypnz retrospective, Ian Curtis mural new information, Papawai

Newsletter number 34 - Spring 2023 - thanks to Mt Cook businesses and Papawai retrospective

Newsletter number 35 - Winter 2024 - WCC Long Term Plan submission, Te Ō residents arriving and obituary for Susan C

Newsletter number 36 - Summer 2024 - long-term empty properties in Mt Cook



Mt Cook Slideshow



Please contact Geoff to add further images that characterise the memorable aspects of Mt Cook.


Defining Mt Cook



Taken from the Mt Cook, Mt Victoria, Oriental Bay, Roseneath and Te Aro (399Kb PDF) Suburban map provided by the Wellington City Council


Problems arise when this map is compared to maps used as a point of reference for District Plan changes such as 38 and 39, see below.  The above map indicates that a larger inner city area is included in Mt Cook and therefore could, or should, have its heritage character preserved.  We have yet to clarify if the parts of Mt Cook excluded from the map below are instead included in the Cuba or Courteney Place "Character Areas" as suggested in the map for  Aro Valley, Te Aro, Mt Cook, Mt Victoria in District Plan- Volume 3.





Map taken from Amended plan change document (572Kb PDF), Change 38: Residential Character in Newtown, Berhampore & Mt Cook



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Bonus materials!

Public Meeting on Spatial Plan - 20 September

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